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ASPIKOM is an association of higher education of communication science in Indonesia, from vocational program as well as the undergraduate and postgraduate program. Founded on March 23, 2007 in Salatiga, Central Java Province by 35 universities (or study programs) in Indonesia, ASPIKOM now have about 200 members.

Vision & Mission of ASPIKOM
The vision of ASPIKOM is to build the partnership among the communication study programs in Indonesia mainly for increasing the quality of communication science education in Indonesia. To fulfill the vision, the founding missions are stated as : (1) To identify the higher education mapping of communication science in Indonesia, (2) To formulate the standards of competencies needed for the lecturer, as well as learning outcomes for major curriculum and standardized facilities required for higher education of communication science in Indonesia, (3) To build the dynamic network among the members for supporting each member in giving a contribution to the organization, (4) To increase the lecturing quality of study programs, (5) To make higher the lecturer competencies in order to meet the requirements, (6) To raise the standard of quality of communication study programs as higher education, (7) To give recommendation to policy makers in the decision making process related with the license-to-open-new-study-program policy, and (8) To support the providing of literatures, journals, research results, and international networks with other higher education in domestic and abroad. Since 2007, there have been 4 period of leaderships. For 2016-2019 periods, ASPIKOM is led by Dr. Heri Budianto. The missions and key objectives of ASPIKOM for this period are (1) To develop the quality of communication higher education in Indonesia; (2) To develop network and cooperation with many stakeholders/partners in Indonesia and abroad; and (3) To develop productive academic activities. The dynamics of economic, technology, politics, social and culture has implication for the dynamics of communication in general, and of higher education, in particular. It also has impact and problems on human communication aspect, in a variety of contexts. Hence, ASPIKOM tries to facilitate variety of programs as: (1) national policy aspects of higher education (2) curriculum (3) seminars and conferences (4) publishing books, journals and proceedings. Furthermore, ASPIKOM is open to develop cooperation with other associations and universities to strengthen the contribution of communication science in the society at large and the position of communication science among other social sciences.

The ASPIKOM Networks
ASPIKOM has about 200 members, consist of the diploma, graduate and post graduate program of Communication Science around Indonesia, both from state and private universities. To name some of the universities, there are University of Padjadjaran, University of Indonesia, State University of Sebelas Maret Solo, University of North Sumatera, University of Diponegoro, and else from state universities, together with some private universities such as Atma Jaya Catholic University in Yogya and Jakarta, Mercu Buana University, Al Azhar University, Swiss German University, Tarumanagara University, and else, exert hardly on making a good relationship and networking between study programs. ASPIKOM has a good networking, too with well-known and reputable universities in Asia, Europe and Australia. To mention some of the universities collaborated with ASPIKOM are University Sains Malaysia (USM), University Technology Mara and University of Malaya in Malaysia, de La Salle College in Phillippines, Murdoch University in Singapore and Australia, Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore, Baptist University in Hong Kong, Dae-Jon University in South Korea, Chulalangkorn University and Rajabath University in Thailand, and many more. The proposal for the collaboration and cooperation has been delivered to the partner universities and associations and the confirmation will be given before 17 December 2018.
Beside universities and study programs, ASPIKOM has a good relationship as well with various associations such as Philippines Association of Communication Educators (PACE), Asia Pacific Public Relations Research Network (APPRRN), Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi (ISKI – The Indonesian Association of Communication Bachelor), Perhumas (the Association of Public Relations Officer).